Themes of November 2023’s Astrology

November’s astrology is filled with a dynamic range of tension and softer aspects. Here are some of my key insights for the month.

Waterlogged Phoenix: The Reappearance of Fire

With so many planets in earth and water, there has been an excess of receptive energies in the skies since October 23rd. I’ve had clients tell me they have felt like cosmic punching bags, either with their health or emotional well-being over the past couple of weeks. You may have felt like you’ve lost your “oomph” behind initiatives or like the spark was missing. For others, it could have felt like an emotional heaviness or even feeling like your health and vitality slumped. I had one friend tell me she’s felt like she’s been on the verge of getting sick, but it never quite manifests. It’s been quite waterlogged in the skies, but this will certainly change this month. Fire makes a reappearance in the skies on November 10th when Mercury ingresses into Sagittarius.  The winged messenger blazes the trail for both Mars and the Sun to follow suit

Trusting Boundaries: Saturn Direct in Pisces

Saturn gets his first forward marching orders since his ingress into Pisces last March. The planet of limits and self-reliance has been in retrograde since June, but come November 4th, natural consequences take root. When Saturn is retrograde, justification for other’s behavior becomes easier. In Pisces, compassion can become a weapon and pretty soon standards can slip. However, when Saturn moves forward, it’s time to reclaim your boundaries and stand tall in your independence. Think back to what you learned over the summer and make those ah-has real. Part of this great lesson on a personal level is learning how to step beyond your fear of standing in your truth and trust the process. This is the lesson of Saturn in Pisces.

Taking Aim: Mars Cazimi in Scorpio

On November 15th, Mars will be in the heart of the Sun in Scorpio.  While this aspect happens once every couple of years, it has been about 32 years since it happened in Scorpio.  The planet of war and action is functioning full throttle in this sign.  He hasn’t been visible in the night sky since September 30th as he moved closer to the Sun.  Remember that astrology has its roots in what is visible in the sky, so when Mars is obscured by the Sun’s light, the ancients believed his actions moved into covert missions.  Like a spy, Mars’ work become stealthy and filled with secrets.  This aspect is extremely powerful when used with intention, but you need to use strategy to make it effective.  On the 15th, vigor is renewed as the planet makes its transition into a morning star. Because this cazimi is happening in Scorpio, it has an intensity and thrust that helps you get to the root of your anger, desire, and motivation.  It can show you where you need to release the tension and where to dig deeper. Be aware that it can be a volatile few days as Mars in Scorpio takes no prisoners as he remembers emotional grudges and feels justified in his actions.

Dates of Note:

November 3:  Sun opposes Jupiter + Venus opposes Neptune. Self-control can go out the window today, especially with finances.  Also, watch for being told what you want to hear.  Keep your wits about you when listening to the crowds.

November 4:  Saturn stations direct + Mercury opposes Uranus.  Boundaries could get pushed today and the minor irritations could creep up. Schedules and plans could get derailed, but realize you can’t push the river.  You may realize that what was old and reliable is just now out of date.

November 6:  Venus trines Pluto + Mercury trines Neptune. Friendships and moments of synchronicity get a spotlight today.  Feel good about being in the right place at the right time.  Today has a fated quality to it.

November 8:  Venus ingresses into Libra + Mercury sextiles Pluto. If you needed to have an in-depth conversation, this is the day to do it.  The planet of communication has the power of persuasion lined up and ready to go.  Today also marks the first time Venus will have some oomph behind her allure since April.  Venus, the planet of relationships, moves into Libra for the next month. In this sign, she has the power to weigh both sides and compromise while preserving harmony between the parties.  This placement allows you to keep the flow of conversation going without getting too attached to the outcome or read into the intent behind the message. This can be a really helpful boost in the sky as everyone tucks into Thanksgiving dinner and family drama in the coming weeks.

November 10:  Mercury ingresses into Sagittarius + Mercury squares Saturn.  The planet of communication moves into the sign of the archer today.  While he normally likes to gloss over details and just sell the concept in Sagittarius, he runs into the reality check of Saturn today.  Stop and listen to your intuition if it’s telling you to slow down to examine the potential consequences.

November 11/Veterans Day:  Mars opposes Uranus. The need to express your individuality is strong today.  Watch out for getting stuck in your defenses and really digging in your heels with emotional arguments.  A quick emotional impulse could have longer consequences.

November 13:  New Moon in Scorpio + Sun opposes Uranus. Mars in Scorpio rules this lunation.  Intentionality goes a long way with this moon.  Be savvy when starting new ventures under this energy and be mindful of the lasting emotional impact.  Mars in Scorpio provides the focus and impulses about the right course of action.  This new moon is really asking you to trust yourself and try something different which doesn’t feel safe at first. Stubbornness and routine can get turned on its head. Use Uranus’s energy and break away from expectations to something that is more authentic. Take risks.

November 15:  Mercury sextiles Venus.  Conversations between friends and colleagues flow well today.  Say yes to any networking opportunities.

November 17:  Mars trines Neptune + Sun trines Neptune + Mars Cazimi Sun. Going after the ideal feels attainable today.  When Mars gets illuminated by the heart of the Sun, he brings an intense focus and clarity of purpose.  This is the renewal of the Mars cycle for the next two years. Effort gets enhanced by Neptune asking you to lean into your intuition.  Giving back into community efforts will be highly rewarding today.  It is a very fruitful day.

November 20:  Sun sextiles Pluto. If you need to put in some work behind the scenes, this is the day to do it.  Power political moves steal the show.

November 21:  Mars sextiles Pluto. Today’s energy gives you the focus and the drive to solve any problem that arises.  Things that may have felt intimidating or boring get energized with determination.  The Moon squaring Mercury gives you a restlessness that drives you forward.

November 22:  Sun ingresses into Sagittarius. Today marks the start of Sagittarius season, which is so fitting for the busiest travel day of the year! The sun is wringing out from the watery depths to shine the light of wisdom and freedom across the globe. These centaurs stoke the fires of expansion as Jupiter rules their sign. They are naturally opinionated, build enthusiasm, and prefer to follow their own conscience regardless of what authorities say. However, they do BYOS (Bring-Your-Own-Soapbox) to every event and can get preachy sometimes. The more they talk, the more they believe they are right, especially when they think they are helping others. These individuals are naturally generous, funny, and optimistic. As mutable fire, they are very comfortable when they decide to either drop their anchors or grab their backpack onto their next adventure. During the next month, let Jupiter be your guide and celebrate the season of giving.

The Moon will leave Pisces and enters Aries at 11:19 CST which will bring about a rush, but also a directness for travel.  If there are travel hiccups in the morning, things look more favorable by midday.

November 23/Thanksgiving:  Sun squares Saturn.  Sharing the workload of a huge meal goes better when you have everyone contribute.  You may have a sudden awareness of your elders, tradition, and how your own individual path has deviated from expectations.  Squares can show a bit of friction and adjustments.  With an unaspected Jupiter ruling both, there can be a sense of gratitude, but also loneliness.  Perhaps you are more aware of the limits and boundaries of others.  Lean into the Venus in Libra to keep the conversation flowing at the dinner table and not get too stuck in personalizing things.  The Moon moves away from Chiron in the afternoon, helping you gain perspective on your roots and your wings in your family.   

November 24/Black Friday:  Mars ingresses into Sagittarius.  The moon will be in Aries making impulse-buys a very real thing, especially right after midnight.  The rush may slow down as the Taurus Moon asks you to be more mindful of your resources in the afternoon. Today, the planet of drive and action moves into mutable fire today.  In Sagittarius, Mars seeks to differentiate himself from others through his unique achievements. Mars likes to fire up the crowd and play up the rivalry (whether real or imagined).  He also can build enthusiasm for fresh adventures with the group.  He can be a bit of a virtue crusader and once he gets an idea in his head, different points of view get drowned out by his own opinion. Over the next 6 weeks, it’s easy to get caught up in the festivities of the season.  Watch the budget, though; Mars in a Jupiter ruled sign can make the resources drain as fast as they come in.

November 25:  Mars squares Saturn. When the two malefics are in the hardest aspect, it can be a highly frustrating day.  This is a lot like getting mixed messages of hot/cold, go/stop, forward/back.  Both planets are getting their cues from a lost Jupiter who is unaspected and retrograde.  Really watch that need to follow the crowd or fulfill the duties forced on you by someone else.  As the Moon approaches Uranus in the afternoon, you may need some time to do your own thing to nourish your soul.

November 27/Cyber Monday:  Full Moon in Gemini + Mercury squares Neptune.  The full-fledged holiday frenzy is here with this moon and you may feel the pressure building.  Take stock of your social commitments and triple check the details, as you may get double booked.  With Mercury squaring Neptune, organization gets glossed over.  Build in room for transit time and unexpected delays.  Today’s work agenda won’t be the most productive.  The deals are hot, but the direction is scattered.   Mercury’s sextile with Venus encourages you to think of others and find the perfect present, but also warns of getting lost in internet distractions.

November 29:  Venus conjoins S.Node.  Keep your eye out for long-lost friends today.  The planet of relationships near the South Node could lead to saying goodbye to a relationship or making a decision about the future with someone special.

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