November 13: New Moon in Scorpio + Sun in Scorpio opposes Uranus in Taurus.
Mars in Scorpio rules this lunation. Intentionality goes a long way with this moon. Be savvy when starting new ventures under this energy and be mindful of the lasting emotional impact. Mars in Scorpio provides the focus and impulses about the right course of action. This new moon is really asking you to trust yourself and try something different which doesn’t feel safe at first. Stubbornness and routine can get turned on its head. Use Uranus’s energy and break away from expectations to something that is more authentic.
November 15: Mercury in Sagittarius sextiles Venus in Libra.
Conversations between friends and colleagues flow well today. Say yes to any networking opportunities. It’s also a good day to treat yourself to a little something that makes you feel nurtured. Buy the flowers, the chocolates, or the beauty treatment.
November 17: Mars trines Neptune + Sun trines Neptune + Mars Cazimi Sun in Scorpio.
Going after the ideal feels attainable today. When Mars gets illuminated by the heart of the Sun, he brings an intense focus and clarity of purpose. This is the renewal of the Mars cycle for the next two years. Effort gets enhanced by imagination. Neptune asking you to lean into your intuition. Giving back into community efforts will be highly rewarding today. It is a very fruitful day.