December 12: New Moon in Sagittarius
This new moon is close to Mars, which is giving a lot of excitement and enthusiasm to a leap of faith. Generosity and giving someone the benefit of the doubt seems likely. With Neptune squaring this lunation, double check how gullible you are to the power of suggestion. With Jupiter in Taurus ruling this lunation, really rely on your inner voice of reason and judgment before taking the leap. The power of salesmanship is strong today.
December 13: Mercury in Capricorn stations Retrograde
Over the next three weeks, the planet of communication and thinking will scramble to make a list and check it twice. Capricorn is an earth sign and shipping logistics and mailing may become an issue. By the time he enters back into Sagittarius on December 22nd, there will be a flurry of last-minute solutions and shopping flood the agenda. He finally turns direct on New Year’s Day.
December 15: Sun in Sagittarius squares Neptune in Pisces
Sometimes you need to give back to others in order to find yourself. Charitable acts of kindness, self-sacrifice, and leaving your ego at the door gets rewarded today.