December 18: Mercury retrograde in Capricorn trining Jupiter in Taurus.
You may rethink a purchase you made or return to a project you thought was done. This is the second pass of this transit. Think back to what happened around December 7th and pick up the thread. Reconnect with others you haven’t thought of in a while.
December 21/Winter Solstice: Sun ingresses into Capricorn + Venus in Scorpio opposes Uranus in Taurus + Mercury in Capricorn sextiles Saturn in Pisces.
t’s a busy one in the skies today! Assumptions about relationships and tasks are going to make anyone irritated, but especially today with the Moon in Aries. Watch out for the either/or value judgements. There can be merits on both sides. You may need to rework the division of labor to give everyone a breather.
December 24/Christmas Eve: Sun in Capricorn sextiles Saturn in Pisces.
Traditions and spirituality get a nod from the cosmos today, giving them extra weight and meaning. With the Moon in chatty Gemini, make sure you circulate the room.