Themes of January:
Deliberate Observable Action: Mars in Capricorn
Mars makes his first morning appearance in the sky on January 9th. He’s been too close to the Sun for anyone to see him since the end of September. When Mars is combust, this signifies actions behind the scenes and you may have felt like your best work was done in private or hidden from view. However, he emerges as a morning star in Capricorn on his Mars day, Tuesday, January 9th. He is literally showing up with his sleeves rolled up and plans in place. Mars in Capricorn is especially strong, as it brings incredible strength to the planet of action. In this earth sign, he wants to only put his effort where it will have lasting results. It’s not the brilliant burn of the match upon ignition, but the slow and steady strategy carved in stone. Over the next 6 weeks, your stamina and perseverance will get a dose of resolve. It is high time to put your resolutions into action and go after what you desire. Habits you put into motion this month will have endurance.
Clearing Confusion: Mercury Direct in Sagittarius
The planet of communication will turn the corner on New Year’s by going direct in Sagittarius. He will be cleaning up the messy threads discovered during his retrograde. Mercury seeks to understand things in Sagittarius so approach the first two weeks with a natural curiosity as you explore the lessons learned over the past three weeks. This really calls for open communication as you weigh alternative points of view. Right around the New Moon on the 11th, you will have new direction on how to approach issues. Be ready to launch your plans when Mercury moves into Capricorn on the 14th.
Benefics in Sync: Jupiter and Venus in Mutual Reception
Right before New Years, Venus moved into Sagittarius, a Jupiter ruled sign. What’s amazing about this is Jupiter is in Taurus, a Venus ruled sign. This is a unique combination in astrology called mutual reception, where the positive qualities of both planets get amplified. Each planet acts as a coach to the other. Relationships get a boost of optimism and you can attract others with similar mindsets. These two planets in mutual reception really promote the power of manifestation and positive intention. With Taurus and Sagittarius, these two signs find harmony when potential is explored and applying knowledge to real-life situations. Both signs appreciate the finer things in life, honesty, and shared experience. However, I do caution you about being too blunt with your observations and taking your humor a bit too far with this combination. Both signs can sometimes overestimate the amount of support they have when they launch into jokes or “helpful” observations in situations. Take your time when checking the temperature in the room. Until the 23rd, the time is ripe to have adventurous dates, taking the time to talk about the future with partners and teams, and making the connections to secure your aspirations.
Dates of Note:
January 1: Venus square Saturn + Mercury stations direct. The planet of communication ends his retrograde cycle today and begins pushing forward. Be aware that miscommunications are more likely on the days he’s standing still. The planet of connection is feeling the tension with responsible Saturn. Watch out for feelings of loneliness as the holidays are winding down today. It’s going to take a couple of days to get your groove back.
January 4: Mars ingresses into Capricorn. Today marks a key signature of January as the planet of action moves into his sign of exaltation. In Capricorn, Mars gets the throne where he makes sure his effort will produce results that will have staying power. Over the next 6 weeks, combine strategy with hard work with a no-nonsense approach. Whatever you put into motion will be fruitful.
January 8: Mercury squares Neptune. This is the third time this aspect has shown itself since November 27th. As they say, the third times the charm! This can bring a resolution of some sort of perception issue. Often the first time shows confusion while the second pass brings attempted solutions, but with this last pass, look for illumination of the intent behind the message. You could have been taking things personally when it wasn’t about you. Once you understand the implication, then you can take action for resolution.
January 9: Sun trines Uranus + Mars sextiles Saturn. Today is an exciting day, as Uranus becomes a road opener for everyone to tap into their joy. Integrating a new piece of technology feels second nature. Say yes to innovation. With Mars sextiling Saturn, it is all about working smarter, not harder.
January 11: New Moon in Capricorn. Saturn in Pisces rules today’s lunation. This is a wonderful new moon where Jupiter, Saturn, and Mars are all working together. When the Moon is squaring the nodes, there is a time of wanting to look forward, but needing to reconcile the past first. There may be emotional moments both yesterday and today when you need to revisit issues you may have buried in your subconscious. However, this is a very empowering moon with you feeling confident in your abilities to employ strategies and allocate the resources needed to reach your ambition. Look for the synchronicities of ah-ha moments that support your instincts.
January 12: Mars trines Jupiter. Financial goals get an extra boost today as both Mars and Jupiter are in earth signs. Quick problem solving comes to the forefront with the Moon making an aspect to Uranus. Ask the questions to unlock new solutions.
January 13: Mercury ingresses into Capricorn. Mercury is moving at a fast clip and he moves into business oriented Capricorn. Conversations are direct and straight to the point in this sign. Mental processes don’t hold a lot of space for imagination or nuance over the next 3 weeks. Watch out for coming across too bossy or commanding in memos. When in doubt, add a personal touch or make sure you communicate in person to soften messages.
January 15/Martin Luther King, Jr Day: Sun sextiles Neptune. Creative ideals get a boost today. It’s a fantastic day to give back to the community or engage in the arts that serve to inspire. Make sure you don’t lose the intent behind the day off of celebration.
January 18: Mercury sextiles Saturn. Solid judgment and fantastic problem solving comes to the forefront today. It’s a great day to organize processes or information. If you need to sign a contract that could yield some impressive financial gains, do it in the morning when the Moon is approaching Jupiter.
January 19: Mercury trines Jupiter + Venus squares Neptune. Both of the benefics are in aspect today! Make sure you circulate, speak your mind, and watch the influence spread. It’s almost like you are casting your own spell of charm and wit today. This is my top pick for a date day this month.
January 20: Sun conjoins Pluto + Sun ingresses into Aquarius + Pluto ingresses into Aquarius + Mercury clears his shadow. Right before the Sun and Pluto move into the humanitarian sign of Aquarius, they make one last conjunction in Capricorn. Take the time to mark the occasion of reflecting on how far you have come since 2008, when Pluto first moved into the sign of ambition and power. Your personal journey gets solidified today. The hero’s tale takes them to the underworld, but they emerge with new-found treasures and wisdom they didn’t have before. All of those gifts are truly yours.
January 23: Venus ingresses into Capricorn. The planet of relationships takes on a more receptive and serious tone in Capricorn. Here, she isn’t about to waste her time with anyone who will not support her individual goals. She is determined and works hard in this sign. Her presence is steadfast and consistent. Over the next 5 weeks, dependability and trustworthiness comes to the forefront in your relationships. Make sure you acknowledge the harder behind-the-scenes work your partner does to make your life a little sweeter.
January 25: Full Moon in Leo. This is a dramatic lunation that may bring about an awareness of where you went overboard financially or in your confidence in the past month. Jupiter is squaring the Sun and Moon with Pluto, asking for you to take responsibility for your excess. It could be a time when you need to reconcile how much fun you had and what the implications are for your future independence.
January 27: Mercury conjoins Mars + Uranus stations direct. Watch the potential accidents today. When Uranus, Mercury, and Mars are in play, there can be challenging conversations, car issues, or technology mishaps. However, there could also be moments of sheer brilliance and clear thinking as well.
January 28: Venus sextiles Saturn + Mercury trines Uranus + Venus trines Jupiter. Look for the lightning bulb today when a solution seems to hit out of the blue. Uranus has a tendency to bring creative and imaginative thinking. Whatever was a problem yesterday seems to get solved today. You may even find a new use to an old resource. With the Moon traveling through Virgo, the benefics get a gorgeous earth trine. This is a wonderful day all the way around.
January 29: Mars trines Uranus. Forward motion gets a spotlight today as innovation gets a boost. Inspiration works well with perspiration today!