This upcoming weekend, two planets are moving into signs of their debility and everyone will notice a tonal shift. First, the Sun will move into Libra on the day of the equinox and then Venus will slide into Scorpio that evening. Both planets are a little like fish out of water, but they have some creative genius at their fingertips.
When a planet is in their debility, they know they are the underdogs. This term applies to both planets in fall and detriment. It’s a general term astrologers use when there’s a challenge to the planet’s mission. While both face the need to adapt to the rules of the game, there are subtle differences between detriment and fall.
Planets in Fall: Insecure + Inadequate
Planets in exaltation are the belle of the ball, but planets in their fall know how far they have fallen from grace. Planets in fall are in the opposite sign of their exaltation. They grasp they can’t function in their normal mode and have to follow the rules their host sets out for them. Planets in fall feel insecure and inadequate. They have a harder time getting their job done effectively. So, for example, the Sun has his exaltation in Aries where all eyes are on him as he wins the race and shows off his excellence. But in Libra (his fall), he can’t always look out for number one and needs to cheer on other team members no matter how they are performing. He feels good when others feel good.
Planets in Detriment: Uncomfortable + Subdued
Planets in their detriment are in their opposite side of their rulership. They are uncomfortable and feel out of sync with their natural tendencies. This is a little less tension filled than a planet being in fall. For example, Mars in Cancer will still fight, but he will take on causes opposed to just looking out for himself. This is Mama Bear in action. Or Venus in Scorpio can’t be flirty and be a social butterfly, but will retreat to the darker corner of the party and make a one-on-one connection. Venus in Scorpio feels challenged when she realizes she has to go deeper and express her own vulnerability for the sake of the relationship. Planets in detriment feel subdued or muted in their ability to get the job done. They function in limited strength.
Four Tips Working with a Planet in Debility by Transit
The best thing to do is become aware when you feel like a fish out of water. Maybe your email didn’t read well to the group or you showed up unprepared to a meeting. It’s ok. Take a minute and recognize what happened. When we realize what is happening by transit, we can revise our approach.
1) Notice the time the transit will last. That will give you a general feel for how long the planet may struggle in a particular time. You will find this in my monthly forecasts.
2) Be mindful of what the ruling planet needs and change your approach. Mars may need to soften to Venus during his time in Libra, while Mercury may need to broaden their task list for Jupiter while in Sagittarius.
3). Cultivate your creativity and experiment. There can be a road-opener when you are aware of the limitations. Compromise and adaptation are key. Often look to the sign opposite of the transit and embody that approach.
4). Realize you have natal gifts in your own charts placement to ease the expression. Take advantage of your own planetary expression you already embody.
Planets in Debility Cheat Sheet
Planet |
Signs of Debility |
Length of Transit Per Sign |
How It Can Show Up |
Remedies |
Sun |
Libra + Aquarius |
1 Month |
Not putting “me” first. Rooting for others as a way of finding joy. Being the spokesperson for the group. |
Let your light boost other’s achievements, take a team approach, become a facilitator or moderator |
Moon |
Scorpio + Capricorn |
2.5 Days a Month |
Moody or stoic. Depression, Feeling stuck, Overcompensating |
Self-care, focusing on where you feel safe vs. vulnerable, scheduled down time, call your mom |
Mercury |
Sagittarius + Pisces |
2 – 3 Weeks |
Missed details, misreading the tone, confusion |
Slow down, laugh, self-compassion, take accountability, ask clarifying questions |
Venus |
Aries, Virgo + Scorpio |
40 Days |
Self-critical, not finding your clique, focusing on competition vs. cooperation, obsessive thoughts |
Affirm other’s individual contributions, perform acts of service, make time for 1:1 connections and deeper conversations |
Mars |
Taurus, Cancer + Libra |
6 Weeks |
Hard to get motivated, frustration with progress, delays |
Take up social causes, embrace your mama bear, look for the common ground |
Jupiter |
Gemini, Virgo + Capricorn |
1 year |
Feeling overwhelmed with information and choices, analysis paralysis, scattered goals |
Practice mindfulness, create a task list and value judge what is important, reflect on your values |
Saturn |
Aries, Cancer + Leo |
2.5 Years |
Taking boundaries personally, challenged leadership, insecurity, over-functioning in relationships, feeling left out |
Increase self-validation, focus on long-term growth, reflect on if other’s struggles are your job, restructure tasks |