October 2024 Astrological Forecast

Solar Eclipse in Libra:  Release + Repatterning Relationships

The upcoming October 2nd solar eclipse in Libra marks the last one in 2024. This series in the Aries/Libra nodal cycle began in April 2023. The nodes will change signs in January 2025.  This has been all about shifting dynamics in relationships, encouraging you to let go of outdated patterns that no longer serve you. With the North Node in Aries, the focus has been on asserting yourself, claiming independence, and stepping into leadership roles. Globally, this energy showed up in significant events, like the ongoing Ukraine conflict and the induction of Finland and Sweden into NATO.

Eclipses act as catalysts for change, speeding up events both on a global scale and in your personal life. If you have cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) on the angles of your chart, you may have felt the push to restructure work roles or navigate shifts in important relationships, especially in marriage or partnerships.

This solar eclipse falls on the South Node in Libra, signaling a time of release. It asks you to let go of something within your relationships that has run its course. This can feel like an ending, but it’s also an opportunity to clear space for a new beginning. Following the recent Mercury Cazimi, you may have gained mental clarity, but now it’s time to act. You may need to have a difficult conversation or make a decision about what you’ve been avoiding. You don’t need to have everything figured out to move forward, but taking this step will help you break free from what’s been holding you back.

Wading Deep:  October’s Water Dominance

October brings a lot of water into focus, with a lot of aspects sprinkled within that element.  This can bring heightened empathy, intuition, and emotional depth.  Waters’ primary need is to connect and feel worth.

The first half of October brings two powerful Grand Water Trines involving Mars in Cancer and Venus in Scorpio, with Saturn and later Neptune in Pisces completing the trine. These phases will create emotional flow, with Saturn focusing on stability and Neptune shifting the tone toward idealism.

From October 1st to 8th, Saturn’s influence encourages emotional stability and commitment. Be careful you aren’t in a cycle of burnout as Saturn can be a bit demanding.  Even when you are in a “flow” of work and creativity, it can drain your physical vitality.  As Neptune takes over from October 8th to 17th, the energy becomes more dreamy and idealistic, allowing you to be swept up in deep connections and creative flow. Egos can get more attached to outcomes with this energy though.  On October 17th, Venus moves into Sagittarius, signaling a shift in relationship dynamics and leaving Mars to guide by instinct.

While these trines bring emotional ease, they can also stir up overwhelming powerful feelings. Venus in Scorpio can ignite obsession, and Mars in Cancer may become defensive, making relationships feel all-consuming. It’s easy to lose sight of your own needs when the emotional highs take over.  Relationships can almost become an addiction if they aren’t kept in check.  This is a valuable time to reflect on your passions and connections. If you feel out of balance, take a breath and practice self-care rituals or lean into creative outlets.

By October 28th, Venus will square Saturn and Mars will tine Neptune, offering a reality check on your relationships. This aspect will help clarify if your current bonds are built for the long term, giving you a chance to balance emotional depth with self-awareness. Halloween allows for Venus to profect her trine to Neptune, letting everyone’s creativity soar with costumes and getting swept into the spooky vibe.

Dates of Note:

October 2:  Solar Eclipse in Libra.  Venus in Scorpio rules this lunation.  In order to begin a new chapter, you need to let go of something else first.  When the Moon is conjunct the South Node, there is often a release of a partnership or relationship.  Perhaps you realize when you have outgrown someone, or if it is time to expose your vulnerable truth.  Let go of the ideal in order to clarify true intimacy.

October 4/Rosh Hashanah:  Venus trine Saturn + Mars enters shadow.  Emotional stability is the goal of the day.  Look for realistic commitments of others and choose what endures.  It’s a great day to build alliances with those in authority.

October 6:  Mercury square Mars.  The tongue can be sharp today and words can become weapons.  Be careful of gossip as Mercury is under the beams.  Guard against reacting in the heat of the moment this afternoon as the Moon opposes Uranus.

October 8:  Venus trine Mars + Mercury trine Jupiter.  This is my favorite day of the month.  Complements and seduction flow easily today.  This is a fantastic day for financial deals to be made, creative projects to be launched, and romance to flow. Five star day all around.

October 9:  Jupiter stations retrograde.  The planet of blessings and excess will turn retrograde in Gemini today.  Belief can dissuade the power of information.   Moral outrage may flair for the next few days.  Over the next week, there will be a change in someone’s strategy and plan to align with evolving information.  Jupiter will be retrograde until early February 2025.

October 11:  Pluto stations direct.  The planet of transformation and instincts moves direct for the last time in Capricorn.  This is the last push forward of the old regime.  While it stations, individuals may feel heightened fear, but they can also gain an appreciation for the evolution they have undergone since 2008.

October 13:  Mercury squares Pluto + Sun trines Jupiter + Mercury ingresses into Scorpio.  Truth telling is the theme of the day.  When the planet of communication exposes hidden information, the ego gets permission to judge.  It is a time of listening more to what isn’t being said than what is.  Self-confidence gets a boost today, with Jupiter billowing the sails. Later Mercury moves into Scorpio, where concentration and the power of questions emerge.  The next two weeks will favor strategic thinking.

October 14:  Sun squares Mars + Venus opposes Uranus.  Impulsivity in actions and feelings dominates the day.  You may be highly aware of value differences with others and have a quick escape plan.  Be careful that you are responding and not reacting. This isn’t a day to give gifts as the motivations are questioned.

October 15: Venus trines Neptune.  Today favors daydreaming and creative expression.  It is a wonderful day to take in the theater, take an art class, or lend your expressive talents to beautifying your world.

October 17:  Full Moon in Aries + Venus sextiles Pluto + Venus ingresses into Sagittarius.  This is an emotional full moon where Mars in Cancer rules the show.  Power and control issues in relationships could cause some passive aggressive tendencies.  Watch out for side stepping around issues and instead pull others aside to process hot topics in private.  Later, the planet of connection moves into mutable fire, adding some levity to relationships.  For the next month, social connections become playful as you may gravitate towards others who have similar beliefs and convictions.

October 22:  Mercury trines Saturn + Sun squares Pluto + Sun ingresses into Scorpio. Discussions about authority and influence capture the spotlight today.  It is a good day to sign contracts, but watch the need for control.  Keep the long range strategy in mind and communicate your boundaries.  Later this evening, Scorpio season begins as the Sun changes signs.  Over the next month, intensity builds as the emphasis moves into themes of vulnerability, truth, and trust.  This is fixed water energy, which values emotional connection through the darkest of shadows.

October 24:  Mars sextiles Uranus.  Emotional risks pay off today.  You could need to stand up instinctively for others or another female in your life.  Your actions may surprise you.

October 28:  Mars trines Neptune + Venus squares Saturn.  Romantic idealism can clash with practical commitment today.  You may turn on the charm, but realize the juice isn’t worth the squeeze.

October 30:  Mercury opposes Uranus.  The best laid plans can change on a dime.  With the moon in Libra, you may need to think of others before yourself.

October 31/Halloween:  Venus trine Neptune. Creative instincts and illusions get the spotlight today, which is perfect for dressing up this evening.  Lean into the fantasy world and enjoy the spooky vibes.

Holy Hill at a Full Moon in Hubertus, Wisconsin
Photocredit to Jeff Showers

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