December 2024 Astrological Forecast

Motivation Reset: Mars Retrograde in Leo + Cancer

About every 26 months, the planet of drive and ambition looks like he’s going in reverse in the sky for about 2.5 months. To the naked eye, Mars becomes brighter and redder in the night sky, but the emotional tone also changes. Mars retrograde is like the cosmos takes a timeout. As he heads into the penalty box, he can catch his breath and reflect on goals, wrap up old conflicts, and shift his strategy. You may notice new projects are slower to gain momentum, motivation is harder to find, or unresolved arguments resurfacing for closure. Mars also rules physical action, so it may be time to head back to physical therapy to heal old injuries or seek medical advice to an old ailment.

This particular Mars retrograde will have two distinct phases as he moves from Leo to Cancer. The first bit from December 6 – January 6 will happen in Leo asking you to notice where you feel under-appreciated for your efforts or where your creativity may feel challenged. It’s time to reflect on what makes you feel confident, inspired, and consciously release your need for external validation. Revisit an old hobby or passion project you may have put in the closet during this time. It’s also a great time to reconnect with children or experience the magic this season holds with child-like wonder. This is the easiest time for the Mars retrograde.

From January 6 – February 25th, Mars lugs through Cancer. This is a sign where Mars typically struggles. You may notice home projects and repairs come back to the forefront or domestic irritations resurface. Pay attention to repressed anger about family dynamics and do your best to acknowledge hurt feelings. If you accidentally lash out passive aggressively, be active with repairing those roots while practicing healthy boundaries. It’s a good time to channel your energy into nurturing activities that sustain you, rather than those which tear at your heart. Mars will station direct on February 25th.

Rethinking Action Steps: Mars + Mercury Retrograde

Some eagle-eyed readers may notice there is an overlap of Mars retrograde in Leo and Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius from December 6th – 15th. These 9 days present unique challenges and opportunities to readdress communication, thinking errors, and purposeful strategies. While Mars retrograde typically urges us to slow down and reconsider how we assert ourselves, Mercury retrograde challenges our thinking, communication, and decision-making.

These two planets are in a trine by sign (fire signs Leo and Sagittarius) which intensifies their connection, though they don’t form a perfect aspect by degree until the end of February. This supportive energy of a sign-based trine creates an interesting opportunity to re-evaluate action and reconsider ideas simultaneously. This energy invites you to revisit creative passions or engage in activities that align with your beliefs. It’s also a good time to reconnect with travel or education plans you may have shelved or revisit hobbies you’ve neglected.

As the holiday shopping season kicks in, be extra cautious. Mercury, which governs commerce, can lead to impulse buys, so take care to read the fine print on returns and verify shipping times. Budgeting may be a challenge, and missteps are more likely if you act too quickly.

During this 9-day period, slow down. This is a time to pause on forward movement and listen to your inner voice for guidance. Rather than rushing ahead with ideas or actions, use this time for reflection and brainstorming. Focus on what truly inspires you and fuels your sense of purpose. Avoid impulsive decisions, as they may lead to setbacks.

Refining Hopes + Plans: Jupiter squares Saturn

The second Jupiter in Gemini squaring Saturn in Pisces transit occurs on Christmas Eve. The first pass of this occurred on August 19th, when Saturn was retrograde. Now the planet of structure is direct and the planet that governs beliefs is retrograde – they essentially flip-flopped their direction. The tension is the same, but the lens is a bit different.

Jupiter and Saturn are social planets that govern collective progress, representing the push and pull between expansion and restriction. Although their cycles are frequently felt in global trends, they can also provide a framework for personal development. This square will be especially prominent if you have either Saturn or Jupiter as your chart helmsman or your lord of the year.

The August peak may have stirred ideas, philosophies, and bit plans, pushing you towards expansion or advancement. However, this month, when Jupiter is retrograde, you may need to seek new information or do an internal belief check focusing on the reality of the situation and not just hopes and wishes. Combined with the Mars retrograde, the key question that keeps rising is, “Is this plan still aligned with my truth?” If it’s not, then this is the energy to refine and explore. Keep in mind, you may need to confront any subconscious fears or uncertainties that are potentially holding you back. This square is less about big steps and more about fine-tuning your vision. Come June 2025, both planets will be direct in their final square and in fresh signs. At that point, you will need to take bigger leaps.

Dates of Note:

December 1:  New Moon in Sagittarius.  Jupiter in Gemini rules this lunation, which lets you tune into your own inner wisdom.  With both Jupiter and Mercury lending support to one another, this lends a time that is rich with potential to refine your self-confidence.  What inner messages are guiding you? With heightened pattern recognition, notice what keeps coming up in conversations or thoughts—it may reveal a key insight. Trust the synchronicities guiding you and set intentions that align with your highest truth.

December 2:  Venus trines Uranus. Unexpected sparks of inspiration could bring a fresh approach to relationships or creative projects. Be open to change, as surprises now carry a stabilizing energy.

December 4: Mercury opposes Jupiter + Sun squares Saturn + Venus sextiles Neptune. Conflicting priorities may arise today, but Venus’ connection to Neptune encourages compassion and imagination. Balance optimism with practicality and stay grounded as you navigate big-picture decisions. Making a list of pros and cons will give some structure to your big dreams.

December 5: Mercury cazimi Sun. The planet of communication is in the heart of the sun today.  This marks the half-way mark for the Mercury retrograde.  A mental breakthrough is possible. Pay attention to flashes of insight or moments of clarity.  Put most of your energy into asking the right questions and the answers will reveal themselves.

December 6: Mars stations retrograde + Mercury squares Saturn. Mars’ retrograde in Leo asks you to reconsider where and how you’re directing your energy. Use the next 2.5 months to refine your current goals and adjust any plans that feel rushed or unclear. Mercury and Saturn highlight frustrations in communication or planning—pace yourself and stay patient.  Ask questions and don’t rush the process. This could be a very slow and frustrating day.

December 7: Venus ingresses into Aquarius + Venus conjoins Pluto + Sun opposes Jupiter + Neptune stations direct. Venus in Aquarius craves freedom, but her meeting with Pluto may reveal deeper truths and deeper emotional ties. The Sun and Jupiter turn up the volume on optimism, while Neptune direct sharpens your creative visions.  Leaning into the questions will help you move group dynamics forward.

December 12: Venus opposes Mars. Relationship dynamics come to the forefront as Venus and Mars face off. Tension can lead to breakthroughs if you address issues directly. Passion and conflict may both be in the mix. If tensions rise, take a moment to pause and reflect before responding. Center yourself to communicate effectively and make sure your message was heard.

December 13: Mercury sextiles Venus. Conversations flow and sparkle with ease.  Look for opportunities to create collaborations.   Share your ideas and let curiosity guide you.  This is the perfect time for a holiday party as the Moon trines Pluto, increasing your personal magnetic attraction for powerful introductions.

December 15: Mercury stations direct + Full Moon in Gemini. This lunation, ruled by Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius, highlights the value of reflection and flexibility. The lessons of the retrograde are now coming into focus, offering clarity. It’s time to identify the blessings you want to build on and the patterns or beliefs you’re ready to release. With both Mars and Mercury retrograde, self-reflection feels natural, but putting your thoughts into writing can help you process and solidify your insights. Later today, Mercury stations direct in Sagittarius, paving the way for fresh plans and new goals.

December 18: Sun squares Neptune. You may feel foggy or uncertain today. Motivation can be hard to tap into.  Trust your instincts, but avoid making major decisions. This is a day for rest, creativity, and tapping into your daydreams.  Impulse buys can be a thing this afternoon as Mars and the Moon connect in Leo.  Salespeople have the upper hand today.

December 19: Venus trines Jupiter. Social and romantic harmony gets the spotlight today.  Connections feel easy and conversation flows like champagne.  Raise a toast to those who have made your life richer and celebrate the abundance. Treat yourself and others to a little something special and get in the festive spirit of the season.  Generosity reigns supreme.

December 21/Winter Solstice: Sun ingresses into Capricorn. As the Sun hovers on the tropic of Capricorn, it marks a changing of the seasons.  Light will once again begin to build in the Northern Hemisphere.  Those born under Cardinal Earth are ones who take practical resources and maximize their effectiveness.  Ruled by Saturn, they are ambitious as they want to make sure their hard work yields results that endure.  The solstice invites you to reflect on your achievements and set intentions for the months ahead.  Over the next month, figure out where you want to have a lasting impact. This is prime goal-setting cosmic weather.

December 24/Christmas Eve: Jupiter squares Saturn. Testing the balance between expansion and responsibility is crucial. Tensions may hit between what is fair and what is expected.  Time and traditions may become a bit misdirected or scattered as you fit all the demands into your schedule.  Stay flexible while respecting your limits, especially when you want to be generous but need to stick to your budget. Make sure everyone is on the same page today by discussing each person’s priorities for celebrating the holiday.

December 25/Christmas Day and Hanukkah: Moon in Scorpio squaring Mars and Pluto. This holiday morning could be fast and furious as the Moon squares off with fiery Mars and intense Pluto.  Concentrate your attention into reflective moments where you mentally record the memories paying attention to what holds emotional weight.  Be intentionally present in the private moments. 

December 26/Boxing Day: Mercury opposes Jupiter. This is the last pass of this aspect.  If conversations occurred on November 18th and December 4th, these themes could be in a place of resolution today.  Big ideas may clash with practical details, but this opposition also inspires optimism. Keep conversations balanced and consider multiple perspectives. Overextension could be possible, but budgets and plans help dreams come to life.

December 27: Mercury squares Saturn. Challenges in communication or delays may feel frustrating, but they offer an opportunity to refine your plans. This is where the rubber meets the road, so to speak.  Outline expectations clearly and break things into smaller tasks to help you feel like progress is being made.  Patience is key.

December 28: Venus squares Uranus. Expect the unexpected in relationships today. Sudden shifts could disrupt plans, but they may also inspire creative solutions.  Try a new activity to shake things up intentionally to keep things fresh.  Smaller changes can lead to bigger payoffs down the road.

December 30: New Moon in Capricorn. This grounding lunation, ruled by Saturn in Pisces, encourages you to focus on stability and long-term goals. Words and intentions have power today.  It’s a great time to reflect on what you have learned over the past year and set realistic goals for the next year.  Find the confidence behind your voice and authority to build upon what you already know and mastered. This is the best day to formulate New Year’s Resolutions.

December 31/New Year’s Eve:  Moon in Capricorn sextiles Neptune in Pisces.  You can put yesterday’s resolutions onto a vision board today.  Dreamy and artistic Neptune is ready to cast a spell into the goals you created.  But be aware a weak Mars is approaching an opposition with Pluto.  Be aware of any power struggles you may have with others and steer clear of any potential conflict.  With Mars retrograde energy, you may find you have little motivation to activate and head out on the town.  Opt for a night in with movie marathons capitalizing on Neptune’s influence over the silver screen.

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